Who Is She

Zahida Darwiche Jabbour
Areas of expertise: 

Personal information

Professor, General Secretary of Lebanese Nationa Commission for UNESCO
Zahida Darwiche Jabbour

Contact information / Private

666, Tripoli - Lebanon
81, Condor Str., Mona Center, 6th fl.
614671 6 961
242231 3 961

Contact information / Work

Lebanese University
French literature
961 6 386263
961 6 390958


  • Doctorate degree (Doctorat d’État), French Literature (Specialization: Poetry), 1985, Jean Moulin University (Lyon III), France.
  • Doctorate degree (Doctorat 3ème cycle), Comparative Literature, 1979, Jean Moulin University (Lyon III), France.
  • Master's degree, Modern Literature, 1977, Lyon II University, France.
  • Bachelor degree, Arabic Language and Literature, 1977, Lebanese University, Faculty of Education, Lebanon.
  • Bachelor degree, French Literature, 1975, Lebanese University, Faculty of Literature, Lebanon.

Areas of expertise

  • French Literature
  • Francophone Literature
  • Comparative Literature
  • UNESCO Goals and Subjects
  • Arabic
  • French

Work history

  • Professor, 1979 - 2011, Lebanese University.
  • Professor, 1988 - 1999, Balamand University.
  • Professor, 2000 - 2003, Holy Spirit University (Kaslik).
  • Visiting Professor, 2007, Sorbonne University, Paris IV, France.
  • General Secretary of Lebanese Nationa Commission for UNESCO 2011-2018

Honorary office and memberships

  • Founder and President of Association for the Advancement of Reading and the Culture of Dialogue, 2006 - present.
  • Member of the UNESCO National Commission, 2000 - 2005 & 2008 - 2011.
  • Member of the Rotary Club –Maarad (Tripoli), 2003 - 2007.
  • Member of the Union of Lebanese Writers, 1995 - present.
  • Member of the Cultural Council of Northern Lebanon, 1983 - present.
  • President of theJury  Ibn-Khaldoun-Senghor Translation Award 2016-2017
  • Member of the Jury  Ibn-Khaldoun-Senghor Translation Award since 2007
  • Member of the  Jury of Cheikh Zayed Translation Award, 2007
  •  Member of the  Jury al-Oways poetry Award, 2007, 2018
  • Membre of the Jury of Kadmus Award for novel 2005-2008
  • Member of the jury of the Arab Thought Foundation Award for Arab Creativity 2013-2017


Publications highlights: 


Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2009, September). Cerf-Volant by Dominique Eddé: A critique of war or a reconstruction of memory? Women’s Studies International Forum, 32 (5), 371 - 376.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2008). Le conflit arabo-israélien au miroir du roman libanais et syrien d’expression française [The Arab-Israeli conflict in the mirror to Lebanese and Syrian novels written in French]. In La littérature Francophone et sa Didactique, (pp. 341 - 353). Aleppo: University of Aleppo.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2008). Terre et poésie: Lectures de Cavernes et Soleils d'Andrée Chedid [Land and poetry: Readings in Cavernes et Soleils of Andrée Chedid]. In M. Symington & B. Bonhomme, Libres horizons [Free horizons], (pp. 341 - 350). Nice: l’Université de Nice- Sophia Antipolis, L’Harmattan.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2008, November). Réception et stratégies narratives dans Le Moine: L’ottoman et la femme du grand argentier de Vénus Khoury-Ghata [Reception and narrative strategies in The Monk: The ottoman and the wife of the silversmith of Venus Khoury - Ghata]. Interculturel Francophonies, 14, 51 - 63.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2007). Littératures francophones du Moyen-Orient (Égypte, Liban, Syrie) [Francophone literature in the Middle East (Egypt, Lebanon, & Syria). France: Éditions Edisud.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2007). Attasawwof wal insanawiya fi a'mal Georges Khodr[Mysticism and humanism in the thought of Bishop Georges Khodr]. Tripoli: An-Nour Cooperative for Publishing and Distribution.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2002). Parcours en francophonie(s) [Journeys down the pathways of francophony]. Beirut: Dar An-Nahar.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2001). Attarikh waltajriba fi "al-Kitab" li Adonis [History and experience in "Al-Kitab" of Adonis]. Beirut: Dar An-Nahar.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2001, October). Langue, réalités et représentations dans un drame familial bilingue [Language, realities, and representations in a biligual family drama]. In Francophonie et dialogue des cultures dans le monde arabe, pp.98-113. Beirut: Lebanese University.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2001, May). Jeu du double et connaissance de soi dans l'Enfant de sable de Tahar Ben Jelloun [The game of the double and self-knowledge in the Sand Child of Tahar Ben Jalloun]. Quaderni del dipartmento di lingue e letterature dei paesi del mediterraneo, 3, 47 - 54.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2001, May). La francophonie au Liban et dans le monde arabe: Projet d’un dialogue entre les cultures [Francophony in Lebanon and the Arab world: Idea for a dialogue between cultures]. Revue Addifa` al Watani, 38, 17 - 31.

Darwiche Jabbour, Z. (2000, May). "Le livre" d'Adonis: Ruptures et harmonies ["The Book" of Adonis: Ruptures and harmonies]. Rencontres Transdisciplinaires, 15, 73 - 107.

Exhibitions, lectures & performances: 

Panel speaker at various symposia and conferences at the local, regional and international levels, where her contribution focused on a number of topics falling within her field of expertise, including:   culture, literature and education in the Arab world, intercultural dialogue, prevention of violent extremism through education (PVEE), global citizenship education (GCE), and education on sustainable development (ESD).  

Awards and Distinctions


Granted dozens of international, regional, and local awards as well as appreciation certificates for her contribution to the promotion of intercultural and inter-civilizational dialogue, and her advancement of the UN 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals in the MENA region.


  • Trophee from the Mayor of el-Mina (Tripoli) to express appreciation for contributions to different cultural activities organized by the municipality, 2010.
  • Medal of the French Cultural Mission from the embassy of France in Lebanon, 2006.
  • Knight of the Order of Academic Palms from the French government for the dissemination of the French culture, 2002.